Sunday 24 February 2013

Lavenham Farmers Market

First stall of the year at Lavenham farmers market very cold but no worse than being outside weaving.
I almost sold out and so enjoyable talking to people about willow and gardening. There was also loads of goodies inside to tempt me but contented myself with some daffodils, samosas, a curry for dinner and some baking potatoes all I have left from my crop are about the size of golf balls.
Hope to coppice more willow this week. I have added more workshop dates and will put them on the blog in the week. The ground is finally beginning to dry a bit although the temperatures are still below freezing most days. As my dad said "February is full of promise" I didn't used to believe him but he was right.

Friday 1 February 2013

Moving the willows

A rare day of no snow or rain so decided to move the willows to Clayhill.
Some are just too big to move but with kens help we dug quite a few and still had the rods which I left on some of the plants to use as cuttings.
The ground at Bungeons is much kinder than Clayhill ,the name says it all!
It felt good to be planting at Clayhill  a step towards the future , we shall mulch them well with the rotted straw in the background to take advantage of all this wet weather and hopefully they should soon establish themselves here.
I still have some spaces available on the willow weaving workshops on March 9th and march 16th Please contact me for more information.