Sunday 7 July 2013

Smallholding for sale

Bungeons Harvest

Mead brewing on a sunny windowsill
We have taken 66lbs of honey and have more mead on the go. There is an abundance of flowers and we have elderflower wine brewing and cordial stored away, Cutting paths through the grass has worked well for the clover for the bees and both nuc boxes seem to be florishing,It is time to pick the marigold flowers and lavender to make the handcream infusions. Strawberries are rewarding us with plenty to store for the freezer. We grow a jam variety which are slower to ripen and firmer. The rasberries are quite sad though, too much cold and wet. The transplanted willows are away. We have our own organic beef in the freezer to sell or exchange.The crops further afield seem to be recovering after the cold winter and Chris is busy adapting machinery ready for direct drilling in the autumn.
Nuc box
Lots of the birds have successfully fledged . The young spotted woodpeckers are very amusing to watch.
Bungeons is at her most beautiful and I am pleased we have this time to reap the rewards and enjoy living 
here quite calmly while waiting for a sale. My main work at the moment  takes place at 


  1. All your work sounds so inspiring and productive! A great example of a complete system working in harmony.

    1. Thank you,Nature is amazing everything has a place.
